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Meet Dr. Greg Goffe


I knew that I had to be part of the healthcare solution.
Dr. Greg Goffe

“I worked in pharmacy for 4 1/2 years before switching to the chiropractic profession. Finally I just couldn’t take it anymore, and I knew that I had to be part of the healthcare solution,” says Dr. Goffe.

My Path to Chiropractic

“I had a spinal injury when I was 16 years old,” continues Dr. Goffe. “In fact, it was necessary for me to see my first chiropractor a couple of times a week just to be able to walk. Eventually my back pain got better, and I realized something far greater about the potential of chiropractic care,” he explains.

“Through my own experience and the explanations of my chiropractor, Dr. Harry Alexander, I was able to see recovery in other areas of my health,” remembers Dr. Goffe. “For instance, I used to have incapacitating allergies, but after learning what I now know about chiropractic and nutrition, I haven’t had a prescription for an antihistamine in over 30 years!

This understanding that chiropractic can actually correct the cause of health problems rather than just covering them up with drugs is what lead me to my career change in the health sciences,” says Dr. Goffe.


My Educational Experience

Professional Achievements

Dr. Goffe began his academic career in Pharmacy at Ohio Northern University in Ada Ohio. He finished his undergraduate work in Pre-Med at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. This course work was in anatomy, physiology, biology, chemistry, mathematics, languages, humanities, psychology and other pertinent studies.

Chiropractic vs. Medical Education

Dr. Goffe was then accepted at the Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa. Palmer is the world’s oldest and most respected chiropractic college. In fact, Davenport is where chiropractic was discovered in 1895 by D.D. Palmer.

The chiropractic curriculum is much like medicine’s curriculum. Much of the early years are exactly the same type of classes that all physicians take including, advanced anatomy, physiology, microbiology, public health, diagnosis and others. When medical doctors learn about drugs and surgery, chiropractic doctors learn about safe and effective adjusting techniques and other natural methods of improving health like nutritional counseling.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude with Research Honors in 1992 when he was also designated as a Presidential Scholar. Dr. Goffe has been in continuous private practice in his Dayton Chiropractic office since his graduation in 1992.


My Practice Philosophy and Care Objectives

I am committed to helping people achieve their optimum expression of life and vitality. Knowing that our bodies are designed to self-heal and self-regulate, we look to remove obstacles to that inborn healing mechanism so that our patients can regain their health and maximize their lives. I am committed to using the safest, most effective and most comfortable techniques that I can employ to naturally support the body in its healing process.

Sure, we love to help people with sore backs, necks, and extremities (other parts like wrists, ankles, knees, etc), but the real excitement in our practice comes from seeing what some might think are surprising life changes. For instance, a young boy not having to suffer the embarrassment of bed-wetting (even during the day at school), an 80+ year old woman no longer needing the recurrent rounds of antibiotics for her “normal” bladder infections, a young woman finally be able to conceive after her OB/GYN told her that that just wasn’t going to be possible. All of these exciting life changes occurred after the body’s inborn, internal healing mechanism was turned back on through the chiropractic care that we deliver in our office everyday.

sidebanner-chiropractic-careAs a chiropractor in Dayton, I have a relentless desire to provide the highest quality of care possible. To that end I continually update my professional education and practice equipment. We have recently added the latest, state of the art diagnostic testing to determine exactly what a person’s problem is and give us the information to need to know if chiropractic can help.

Outside the Office

Since 1988 I have been truly blessed to be married to my best friend, Sue Ann. I have been further blessed by our two children. There were many good things about working in pharmacy, but there was one great thing…that was where I met my wife!

Sue Ann & I enjoy time spent with friends at our church, bicycling, hiking, fishing (well, Sue Ann doesn’t enjoy that one too much!), and preparing and eating great food. I also enjoy serving our community as an amateur radio operator working with local public service events and SkyWarn (as a spotter for the National Weather Service).

My Health Habits

I frequently get asked if I get chiropractic care. The answer is, “ABSOLUTELY!” In fact, I get checked once or twice a week. I don’t do this because I’m constantly having problems. I get checked regularly to make sure that I can perform at my peak potential.

Just like working out, you get a certain, predictable result. Likewise, you get a certain predictable result from flossing and brushing your teeth. Regular chiropractic care gives me a certain, predictable result in my health.

I feel best with good rest, daily stretching, frequent exercise, a healthy diet focused on fresh, whole foods (organic when possible) and nutritional supplements.

How Can We Help You?

Now that you know a bit more about me, I would be delighted to learn a bit more about you! Give our office a call, or click here to email me. Let’s arrange a time to explore your options.

Our Techniques


Dr. Greg Goffe | (937) 435-1895